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Edward Cullen создатель Mind Map: Edward Cullen

1. sophisticated

1.1. smart

1.2. graduated highschool several times...

1.3. reads a lot

1.4. dresses nicely

1.5. speaks many different languages

1.6. plays piano

2. vampire

2.1. "vegetarian"

2.1.1. drinks only animal blood in the past he killed people but later chose a "vegeterian" style of life

2.2. skills

2.2.1. can read minds everybody else's apart from Bella's

2.2.2. very fast

2.2.3. extremely good sences

2.2.4. strong

2.3. Carlisle transformed him about 100 years ago

2.3.1. he was dying in the hospital

2.4. never sleeps

3. love

3.1. Bella

3.1.1. human to save Bella's life he transforms her into a vampire

3.1.2. tries to protect her the best he can

3.1.3. his wife

3.2. his vampire family

3.2.1. Alice

3.2.2. Carlisle

3.2.3. Esme

3.2.4. Rosalie

3.2.5. Jasper

3.2.6. Emmett

3.3. Renesmee

3.3.1. his daughter

4. extremely gorgeous

4.1. cold, white, marmor skin, perfect body, beautiful face, color changing eyes, messy hair

5. forever seventeen

6. character

6.1. polite

6.2. calm

6.3. modist

6.4. protective

6.4.1. usually over reacts when it comes to Bella

6.4.2. ready to sacrifice himself over his beloved ones

6.5. good selfcontrol

6.6. charming

6.7. romantic

6.8. judicious

6.8.1. when Bella becomes a vampire his actions towards her changes less carefull towards her more passionate

6.9. little mysterious

7. rich

7.1. has many expencive and amazing cars, loads of money, a house ....