Teaching Contexts - Carrizo Ulises Morning Shift

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Teaching Contexts - Carrizo Ulises Morning Shift by Mind Map: Teaching Contexts - Carrizo Ulises Morning Shift

1. Rural Contexts

2. Urban Contexts

3. Affluent Contexts

4. Impoverished Contexts

5. Teacher Availability

5.1. There may be a shortage of qualified EFL teachers willing to work in rural settings.

6. Cultural Factors

6.1. Some communities may prioritize local languages and dialects.

7. Strategies for Effective Teaching

7.1. Adapt the classes to the local context, talking about themes they know and using minimal resources techniques as story telling.

8. Access to Resources

8.1. Urban schools often have better access to technology.

9. Diverse Student Populations

9.1. Urban classrooms are frequently multicultural but may also require teachers to differentiate instruction.

10. Qualified Teachers

10.1. Urban areas tend to attract more qualified and experienced EFL teachers.

11. Strategies for Effective Teaching

11.1. Use technology and multimedia, also encourage peer collaboration through group projects.

12. Abundant Resources

12.1. Access to the latest educational technologies, libraries, and extracurricular programs focused on language development.

13. Parental Support

13.1. Families in affluent areas may prioritize language learning.

14. Extracurricular Activities

14.1. Access to clubs, workshops, and language immersion programs.

15. Strategies for Effective Teaching

15.1. Incorporate project-based learning, offer enrichment programs and encourages participation in English-speaking clubs and competitions.

16. Severe Resource Limitations

16.1. Schools may lack basic materials and even qualified teachers.

17. Motivation and Engagement

17.1. Students may face challenges in their home lives that affect their ability to focus on learning.

18. Cultural Attitudes

18.1. English may be viewed as innecessary, lowering student's motivation.

19. Strategies for Effective Teaching

19.1. Use community resources and local knowledge, implement low-cost teaching aids and foster a supportive classroom environment.

20. Limited Resources

20.1. May lack access to modern teaching materials. Teachers often rely on basic resources