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What is a Global Village? создатель Mind Map: What is a Global Village?

1. Airplane

2. Community

3. People

4. City

5. Town

6. Country

7. Suburb

8. International

8.1. We can travel to international destinations easily.

9. Society

10. Township

11. Population

12. Area

13. District

14. Unity

15. Spirit

16. Identity

17. Travel

18. Overseas

19. Technology

20. Contact

21. Internet

22. Distant

23. Mateship

24. Similarities

25. Worldwide

25.1. Messages can be sent worldwide in a matter of moments.

26. Universal

27. Inclusive

28. Macro

29. Micro

30. Media

31. Exchange Information

31.1. We can exchange information easily, quickly and in a range of different ways.

32. Correspond

33. Email

34. Blogs

35. Wikis