Soil Salinty in Al Batinah
by Ali Alshahri
1. Mechanism
1.1. Water to soil
1.1.1. e.g. sea water, irrigation
1.2. Soil to water
1.2.1. e.g filtilzers, geology
2. Causes
2.1. Human activities
2.1.1. e.g high pumping wells, Filtelizers
2.2. Natural causes
2.2.1. e,g Weather, geology
3. Impats
3.1. Susuainability
3.1.1. Social
3.1.2. Economy
3.1.3. Environment
4. Solution
4.1. Regulations
4.1.1. Laws
4.2. Awarence
4.2.1. Educate people, Conferences
4.3. Take action
4.3.1. Apply new technologies
5. Results
5.1. Intensity
5.1.1. Past
5.1.2. Present
5.1.3. Future
5.2. Affected Areas
5.3. Information / Data
5.3.1. Analysis