1. Problem:
2. Six Principles of Meditation
2.1. No Recollection: Don’t Pursue Thoughts of the Past
2.2. No Calculation: Don’t Pursue Thoughts of the Present
2.3. No Imagination: Don’t Imagine What May Happen in the Future
2.4. No Examination: Don’t Analyze Your Thoughts
2.5. No Construction: Don’t Try to Create an Experience
2.6. No Digression: Don’t Wander; Simply Stay in the Present Moment
3. Six elements
3.1. Attention
3.2. Answer:
4. Counter-Measure:
5. Mindfulness
5.1. MBCT
5.2. LiPT
5.3. retreat
6. expressive art therapy
7. Mingyur Rinpoche
8. Dr. Andrew Huberman
9. brothers / sisters
10. Four Stages of Mental Stillness
10.1. 1.Constant Activity – The Motorway高速公路
10.1.1. 開在高速公路上, 你的前方後方左右方都有車, 且在尖峰流量時間, 你不可以任意的變換車道, 你要保持alert才可以下高速公路
10.2. 2. Frequent Activity – Suburban Road 郊區路
10.2.1. 第二階段有點像是你下了highway了, 想法有時還是會來, 但你有alert知道目前你不會為他們開門時,它們就會停止敲門,讓你平靜下來。
10.3. 3.Occasional Activity – The Countryside Road 偶爾 鄉村公路
10.3.1. Sea is not always calm, it has tides and it can get tempestuous, but such choppiness is not an everyday affair. 大海並不總是平靜的,它有潮汐,可能會變得暴風雨,但這種波濤洶湧並不是每天都會發生的事情。
10.3.2. You can drive for several miles before you come across any other vehicle.
10.3.3. A stage three meditator can easily sit unmoving for three hours.
10.4. 4. No Activity – No Thorough Fare
10.4.1. A stage four meditator can sit unmoving, like a rock, for as long as he wants.
11. What is meditation
11.1. meditation is silence and presence of the mind. When your mind is at once silent and present, you are deep in meditation
11.1.1. your mind is at once silent and present, you are deep in meditation. whole. The struggle to be somebody, the race to be something or be like somebody ends right in that quiet moment. To reach that quiet moment, to have that mental stillness like that of a calm, placid lake, you will go through four inevitable stages on the path of meditation. 冥想就是你的心安靜且在當下, 安靜的就像平靜的湖一樣