Professional Kitchens

How commercial kitchens impacts the environment, climate change and addressing their waste management

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Professional Kitchens by Mind Map: Professional Kitchens

1. water pollution

1.1. drainage systems and fat traps- Dirty water filled with oils and greases are flushed away

2. water conservation

2.1. Energy effecient appliances and fixtures- attach sprayers to faucets. Turn faucets tightly to avoid leaks. buy low flow faucets

2.2. cooking food- alter cooking habits to use less water. Plan meals, then defrost food in fridge not in water. use waters from boiling for plants.

2.3. cleaning- fill sink halfway with water instead of constanlty running water when doing dishes. Invest in dishwashers, uses less water

3. climate change

3.1. Use eco-friendly kitchen appliances- Eco-friendly appliances uses 37% less energy than normal ones, saving resources such as electricity and fossil fuels.

3.2. Use eco-freindly utensils- diminish and minimize plastic usage.

3.3. utilize leftovers- studies shows 1/3 of all food is wasted every year. The amount of tons of wasteage emits greenhouse gases more potent than C02.

3.4. Be natural- less usage of processed foods. Start growing and making foods from scratch, eg fruits, veggies, butters, milk.

4. air pollution

4.1. Smoke emissions- A large contributing factor to air pollution comes from the smokes released when cooking, frying, grilling and smoking from the kitchens ventilation systems and into the air.

4.2. Gas leaks- releases hazardous chemicals and pollutants in the air and could potentially start fires in the kitchen resulting in massive emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.

4.3. Chemical compounds released into the air- studies shows over 200 chemical compounds could be detected through grilling and frying processes.

4.4. Impact on surrounding areas- Ventilation carries all smokes, leaks and emmisions into the outside air surrounding the kitchen causing air pollution.

5. waste management

5.1. Food waste- Store food correctly with energy-efficient equipment to minimize rotting. Find creative ways to incorporate off-cuts and skins of foods into either dishes, compost to grow vegetation, etc.

5.2. Energy waste- Turn off lights and equipment when they are no being used.

5.3. Carbon footprint- Make use of sustainable suppliers and equipment to minimize your carbon footprint.