Artificial intelligence will never be able to be as complex as the human mind.

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Artificial intelligence will never be able to be as complex as the human mind. by Mind Map: Artificial intelligence will never be able to be as complex as the human mind.

1. What is considered beyond human intelligence and how will we know when this has accomplished?

1.1. The term superintelligence is given to something that possesses intelligence that surpasses the human mind but we currently know nothing that has this kind of intelligence yet.

2. The brain is so complex.

2.1. No human is currently capable of understanding how the brain fully functions.

2.2. Blog post: We don’t have all of the necessary information to create a prosthetic brain.

2.3. Blog post: The brain is still able to function if it is damaged, unlike how computer hardware will not function at all when it is damaged.

3. Hard to replicate common sense

3.1. Of all the attempts that have been made, not much significant progress has been made.

3.2. Ernest Davis, computer scientist at New York University, says that we are “light-years behind the average 7-year-old in terms of common sense, vision, language and intuition about how the physical works.” This shows that even though we have powerful computers, we simply don't have ones that can perform the simplest tasks that humans can perform.

4. Limiting factors

4.1. Blog post: Storage capacity can only hold so much information until it runs out of space

4.2. Anit Rastogi: Computers are programmed to perform the task that it is assigned. Because of this, emotions are something that it can only simulate, not express.