Digital Divide

This mind map, created for Learning Task 5 in the AEPSD course, summarizes Digital Divide among Higher Education Faculty by Soomro et al. It covers research findings on ICT access levels and demographic differences, along with implications for inclusive ICT training. Reflections include the digital divide’s impact in work and daily life, plus emerging technologies that promote sustainability.

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Digital Divide by Mind Map: Digital Divide

1. ICT Access Levels

1.1. Faculty's willingness

1.2. Ability of technology resources

1.3. Competency in using digital tools

1.4. How frequently digital tools

2. Demographic Differences

2.1. Gender

2.2. Younger faculty tendencies

2.3. University Type

3. Connection to Instructional Usage

3.1. Higher motivational skills

4. Research Implications

4.1. Offering ICT training

4.2. Motivational access

5. Student Reflections

5.1. Observations of Digital Divide

5.1.1. Gaps in digital literacy

5.1.2. Generational differences

6. Emerging Technologies

6.1. AI and VR applications

6.2. AI-powered smart home devices