Mind Mapping Software
by Jessica Newman

1. Tony Buzan
1.1. Buzan World
1.2. "Maximise the Power of Your Brain"
1.3. hand drawn mind maps
2. Information Agencies
2.1. Credo's Concept Map
2.2. ERIC Visual Search
2.3. ISC Web of Knowledge
2.4. Legal Research Mind Maps
2.5. AU Library
2.6. Wonder Wheel
2.7. Image swirl
2.8. sqaured
3. What is a mind map?
3.1. one central idea
3.2. branches for related ideas/terms/concepts
3.3. radial design
3.4. Curved lines
3.5. color
3.6. images
3.7. both hemispheres of the brain
4. Available Software
4.1. Free
4.1.1. XMind
4.1.2. FreeMind
4.1.3. teext2mindmap
4.1.4. MindMeister add nodes add images add links, attachments collaborate publish to web, embed in websites view history
4.2. Proprietary
4.2.1. MindMapper
4.2.2. MindManager
4.2.3. Inspiration
4.2.4. lots more...
5. Resources
5.1. Articles
5.1.1. Mind Mapping Complex Information
5.1.2. Pictorial Knowledge Representations
5.2. Blogs
5.2.1. The Mind Mapping Software Blog
5.2.2. Knowledge Mapping
5.2.3. Jessica Newman: LIS 644
5.3. Websites
5.3.1. Mappio