Product Outcome:Time Spent Listening Matters for Business

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Product Outcome:Time Spent Listening Matters for Business by Mind Map: Product Outcome:Time Spent Listening Matters for Business

1. Key Metrics

1.1. Drive revenue Growth

1.2. Average Listening Time

1.3. User Retention Rate

1.4. Subscription Conversion Rate

2. Research Phase

2.1. User Surveys

2.2. Market Analysis

3. Listening Time Spent

4. High-Level Concept

5. Target Audience

5.1. Casual Listeners

5.2. Dedicated Fans

5.3. - Content Creators

6. Key Metrics

7. Development Phase

7.1. Feature Prototyping

7.2. - User Testing

8. Launch Phase

8.1. Marketing Campaign

8.2. Performance Monitoring

9. Unique Value Proposition

10. Marketing Research

11. Features to Focus On

11.1. Personalized Playlists

11.2. Social Sharing Options

11.3. Content Discovery

12. Challenges to Address

12.1. User Privacy Concerns

12.2. Competition Analysis

12.3. Technical Limitations