Dec 12 Situation Room: Collaboration Model

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Dec 12 Situation Room: Collaboration Model by Mind Map: Dec 12 Situation Room:  Collaboration Model

1. Success Factors & Roles

1.1. Management

1.2. Organizing

1.3. Tech

1.3.1. Tech lead

1.3.2. General Tech Fix it person

1.3.3. Staggered staffers for time zones

1.4. Content Intake

1.4.1. Volunteer / staff manager

1.4.2. Photo sorter 1

1.4.3. Photo sorter 2

1.4.4. Staggered staffers for time zones

1.5. Content Push: Digital Media

1.5.1. Blogger for community site (Tck)

1.5.2. Bloggers for individual sites

1.5.3. Social media push

1.5.4. Staggered staffers for time zones

1.6. Content Push: Media

1.6.1. Media region A

1.6.2. Media region B

1.6.3. Media region C

1.6.4. Staggered staffers for time zones

1.6.5. Manage PR firm

1.7. Summary of Day

1.7.1. Create video for the day

1.7.2. Distribute video

1.7.3. Distribute best of photos

1.7.4. Output to walls

1.8. Partner Engagement

2. Fresh Air Room

2.1. 350 Lead: Jamie Henn

2.1.1. Media Outreach person

2.1.2. Volunteer Coordinator

2.1.3. Photo Sorter 1

2.1.4. Photo Sorter 2

2.1.5. Media person A

2.1.6. Tech Co-lead

2.1.7. Site Publisher:

2.1.8. Social Media Person

2.1.9. Video liaison

2.2. Avaaz Lead: Ben Winkler

2.2.1. Media Outreach person

2.2.2. Tech Co-Lead

2.2.3. Site Publisher/chat manager: Avaaz

2.2.4. Media Person B

2.2.5. Video liaison

2.3. Tck Lead: Jason Mogus

2.3.1. Tech Support fix it person

2.3.2. Bloggers for movement (sharable content from Tck)

2.3.3. Social Media Push

2.3.4. Partner Engagement person

3. NYC US Room

3.1. US media lead

3.2. Video ownership

3.2.1. Video production