iPad apps - Narrate over content

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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iPad apps - Narrate over content por Mind Map: iPad apps - Narrate over content

1. Fotobabble - Free

2. Screenchomp - Free

3. Showme - Free

4. Voicethread - Free

5. VideoscribeHD - £2.99

6. PixnTell - Free/£1.49

7. SonicPics - £1.99 - Narrate photos

8. Teach by Knowmia - Free

9. Blurb mobile - Free - Narrated Image collage

10. Doodlecast Pro - £2.99

11. Draw and Tell HD - £1.49

12. Educreations - Free

13. Explain Everything - £1.99

14. Explain a website - £0.69