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Unit 7 by Mind Map: Unit 7

1. Vocabulary 1

1.1. take on, obey, utility, output, compromise, productivity, afford, staff

2. Text "Labour market"

2.1. Labour market basics

2.1.1. - Relationship: Employers (buyers) and workers (sellers).

2.1.2. - Labour = Service provided by workers.

2.1.3. - Employers pay wages = Price of labour.

2.2. Utility in the Labour Market

2.2.1. - Employers' utility = Increased output.

2.2.2. - Ways to increase output: - Hire more staff. - Ask current staff to work more hours.

2.3. Supply and Demand in the Labour Market

2.3.1. - Demand: Employers' need for labour. - Decreases when wages increase.

2.3.2. - Supply: Labour workers provide. - Increases when wages are higher.

2.3.3. - Wage = Compromise between workers' expectations and employers' budget.

2.4. Workers' Productivity

2.4.1. - Productivity = Output per unit of time.

2.4.2. - Higher productivity → Higher wages and job opportunities.

2.4.3. - Lower productivity → Lower wages and fewer job opportunities.

3. Vocabulary 2

3.1. balance, compensation, complex, influences, leisure, play a/an, rate, role, skills, substitution, switch off

4. Text "Supply of labour"

4.1. Reasons for Working

4.1.1. - Primary reason: To make money.

4.1.2. - Economists ask: How much are people prepared to work?

4.2. Work-Life Balance

4.2.1. - Trade-off: Work time vs. Leisure time.

4.2.2. - Influenced by: - Natural limits: - 24 hours in a day. - 8 hours sleep. - Rest and relaxation needed.

4.3. Role of Money

4.3.1. - Income Effect: - Time is a resource, compensated by wages. - Higher wages → Less need to work (more leisure time).

4.3.2. - Substitution Effect: - Opportunity cost of not working increases with higher wages. - Higher wages → More willingness to work.

4.4. Labour Supply Elasticity

4.4.1. - Inelastic Supply: - Hard to find workers (e.g., specific skills or remote location). - Higher wages → Small increase in workers.

4.4.2. - Elastic Supply: - Easy to find workers. - Higher wages → Large increase in workers.

5. Writing "Letter of application"

5.1. Purpose of Letter

5.1.1. - Responding to a job advertisement.

5.1.2. - Applying for the position of Summer Camp Team Leader.

5.1.3. - Reference: Advertisement in a newspaper.

5.2. Qualifications

5.2.1. - Mention CV and certifications.

5.3. Experience

5.3.1. - Highlight relevant experience

5.4. Motivation for the Job

5.4.1. - Reasons for applying

5.5. Closing Statement

5.5.1. Express enthusiasm and anticipation

5.5.2. - Sign off