Creative Hands Project Team Task Sharing

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Creative Hands Project Team Task Sharing by Mind Map: Creative Hands Project Team Task Sharing

1. Catanas Sorina Victoria

1.1. Project co-founder

1.2. Editing project pages

1.3. Designing Logo and Poster

1.4. Document model-Parental Permission

2. Neslihan Akın Yüksel

2.1. Parent Pre Survey

2.2. Wordwall Find the Same Game

3. Teglas Madalina Roxana

3.1. Desingn Poster and Logo

4. Ali Karatepe

4.1. Project Page Desing

4.2. Project Page List

4.3. Project Introduction Video

5. Evangelia Oikonomou

5.1. Childrens Pre Survey

5.2. Poster and Logo Puzzle

6. Eleni Tselengidou

6.1. Designing logo and poster

7. Angelina Plastara

7.1. Design Logo and Poster

8. Militsa Kaltsou

8.1. Designing logo and poster