Conversational mapping

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Conversational mapping by Mind Map: Conversational mapping

1. STEP 1: Approach with genuine curiosity.

1.1. Facilitates Learning

1.2. Facilitates Discovery

1.3. Map out your knowledge/expertise

1.3.1. Reveals what you know

1.3.2. Reveals what you don’t know. What do I want to know?

2. STEP 2: Analyze the conversational goal

2.1. Altruism (Give away knowledge)

2.1.1. Cooperative + Collaborative Open-ended Questions Builds Rapport & Trust START WITH: Less sensitive questions

2.2. Narcissim (Hold on to knowledge)

2.2.1. You want to gain knowledge for personal goals & gains. RESPONSES WILL BE: More competitive/elusive START WITH: More closed-loop questions / more binary questions / more sensitive Ask with Reverse Psychology

3. STEP 3: Avoid the Interrogation Experience

3.1. DOES NOT: Feel good.

3.1.1. Feels like a police interrogation

3.2. RESPONDANTS: Clamp up

3.3. How to avoid this experience as the interrogators?

3.3.1. METHOD 1: The cadence/speed of your questions Rapid fire questions

3.3.2. METHOD 2: Continuity of your questions. Doesn’t feel like interrogation

3.3.3. METHOD 3: Casualness of your inquiries The tonality and vocabulary of your words. Give them a way out of your questions Be less formal/ official in your approach.

4. Narcissistic/Competitive

4.1. TKA: Things I know already

4.2. TWK: Things I want to know

4.3. TNK: Things I do not know

4.4. What is the objective?

4.5. What are you advocating for/against?

5. Altruism/Collaborative

5.1. TKA: Things we know already

5.2. TNK: Things we do not know

5.3. TWK: Things we’re curious about

5.4. What’s the objective?

5.5. What are you advocating for/against?