What Is Technology?

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What Is Technology? by Mind Map: What Is Technology?

1. Old technology used tools and machines for everyday tasks relying on manual labour and hands on work.

1.1. My Previous Definition

2. Why We Need New Technologies?

2.1. New technologies can create opportunities by helping us solve problems faster and making life easier in ways we couldn't before.

2.2. To make our lives better in many ways such as advances in health, communication and transportation.

2.3. As our needs evolve, new technology can be there and help us adapt.

3. What I Thought Before?

3.1. Machines

3.1.1. Robotics Architecture Sound Engineering

3.2. Transportation

3.2.1. 3D Printing and Laser Cutting Cameras GPS

3.3. Electronics

3.3.1. AI (Artificial Intelligence VR (Virtual Reality AR (Augumented Reality)

4. References

5. Apple Christmas Commercial 2021 | Apple Christmas Ad 2021. (n.d.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0 Dyer, J. (2009, December 27). Defining the word “technology” … four times - john dyer. Perma.cc. https://perma.cc/FV4Q-FNNC İşman, A. (2012). TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE: AN EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2). http://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 SMARTEduEMEA. (2011, October 3rd). The history of technology in education [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s TED. (2010). Kevin Kelly tells technology’s epic story [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4 Thierer, A. (2014, April 29). Defining “Technology.” Technology Liberation Front. https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/ What is Technology. (2019, July 22nd). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px5z-dG531c

6. "Technology represents the combination of human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated since ancient times to make things that fulfil our needs and desires or that perform certain functions" (Karatsu, 1990).

7. What I Think Now?

7.1. Technology is more than devices.

7.1.1. What Is Technology? Powtoon, 2019 TED Talk With Kevin Kelly, 2010 One thing that caught my attention immediately was the part when Kevin mentioned this: "If we were to eliminate every single bit of technology in the world today...I mean everything from blades to scrapers to cloth we as a species wouldn't live very long, we would die by the billions and very quickly the wolves would get us" (Kevin, 2010). After watching the TED Talk video, it made me realize that essentials such as food, water, tools and clothing are all part of technology that are needed for our survival. This is what keeps humanity going forward and prevents us from becoming extinct. Each new invention created, continues to improve on what we previously had before.

7.2. The following quotes support and connect my idea and definition as well as the things mentioned from the video.

7.2.1. "Technology is more than a collection of machines and devices" (Isman,2012,208). “Technology” is not just the phones in our pockets and the laptops in our bags" (Dyer, 2009). "As a means, a technology may be a method or process or device… Or it may be complicated… Or it may be material… Or it may be nonmaterial. Whichever it is, it is always a means to carry out a human purpose” (Arthur, 2009 but citied under: Thierer, 2014).

7.3. "Instead of going down to the lake to get water, humans invented a way to bring it straight to our homes with indoor plumbing" (Powtoon, 2019).

7.3.1. "Umbrellas help to keep us dry in the rain" (Powtoon, 2019). "A lock helps to keep our things safe" (Powtoon, 2019).

7.4. "A fork helps us eat food" (Powtoon, 2019).

7.4.1. "A pencil helps us write information" (Powtoon, 2019).

8. Technology has more than one meaning and goes beyond electronics and computers.

8.1. My New Definition

9. How Have My Ideas Changed?

9.1. Before, I only thought of technology being a device that you hold and play with.

9.2. I now understand that technology is applied sciences, systems, ideas, processes and ways of getting things done faster.

9.3. "Technology" is a word that is hard to define since there are many meanings to it.

9.4. Technology has become an important aspect of our survival, helping us adapt and thrive in a world that's always changing.

10. This video taught me that technology started off as simple cave drawings, as a form of communication, and evolved into advanced machinery like computers, which now play a role in education and shaping our society. To summarize, technology has made an incredible leap forward.

11. “Practical application of knowledge” or “manner of accomplishing a task” Isman, 2012, 208).

12. "Technology is anything invented by a mind" (Kevin, 2010).

12.1. This quote from Kevin Kelly helped me understand that this is how new technology comes into our natural world.