Heat Stroke:
by Macy z
1. Treatment
1.1. immersion in cold water
1.2. evaportation cooling techniques
1.3. Packing with ice and cooling blankets
1.4. Take medication to stop shivering
2. Symptoms
2.1. High body temperature - a core temperature above 104 degrees or higher
2.2. Change in mental state or behavior
2.3. Nausea or vommiting
2.4. Flushed skin
2.5. Rapid breathing
2.6. Racing heart rate
2.7. headache
3. Prevention
3.1. Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing
3.2. Protect aganist sunburn
3.3. Stay hydrated
3.4. Avoid strenuous activity in hot weather
3.5. Be cautious if at increased risk
4. Causes
4.1. Hot environment
4.2. Streneous activity
4.3. Heavy clothing
4.4. Drinking alcohol
4.5. dehydration
5. Description
5.1. May be dangerous or life threatening
5.2. can last serveral days or weeks
5.3. If untreated can cause damge to brain, kidneys, heart and muscles
5.4. Treatable by a medical professional
5.5. Medical condition caused by overheat in the body