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Genetics 저자: Mind Map: Genetics

1. Cell Division

1.1. GENE_010 - Intro to Cell Division

1.2. GENE_011 - Mitosis

1.3. GENE_012 - Asexual reproduction

1.4. GENE_013 - Sexual reproduction

1.5. GENE_014 - What are gametes?

1.6. GENE_015 - Haploid vs. Diploid

1.7. GENE_016 - Meiosis

1.8. GENE_017 - Fertilisation

1.9. GENE_018 - Humans have 23 chromosomes

1.10. GENE_019 - Cell differentiation

2. Mutations

2.1. GENE_059 - What are mutations?

2.2. GENE_060 - Types of mutations

2.3. GENE_061 - Chromosome mutations

2.4. GENE_062 - Mutation due to radiation and chemicals

2.5. GENE_063 - Harmful mutations

2.6. GENE_064 - Beneficial mutations

2.7. GENE_065 - Down's syndrome

3. Variation

3.1. GENE_020 - Genetic variation

3.2. GENE_021 - Environmental variation

3.3. GENE_022 - Variation in plants vs. animals

3.4. GENE_023 - Nature vs. nurture

4. Chromosomes and DNA

4.1. GENE_001 - What is DNA?

4.2. GENE_002 - Watson and Crick

4.3. GENE_003 - What is a chromosome?

4.4. GENE_004 - Structure of a chromosome

4.5. GENE_005 - What is a gene?

4.6. GENE_006 - How DNA codes for proteins

4.7. GENE_007 - What is RNA?

4.8. GENE_008 - Protein synthesis

4.9. GENE_009 - DNA Replicaiton

5. Heredity

5.1. GENE_024 - Who was Gregor Mendel?

5.2. GENE_024 - Mendel's experiments

5.3. GENE_026 - Dominant and recessive alleles

5.4. GENE_027 - Homozygous or heterozygous

5.5. GENE_028 - Genotype and phenotype

5.6. GENE_029 - Genetic diagrams

5.7. GENE_030 - Sex determination

5.8. GENE_031 - Sex-linked inheritance

5.9. GENE_032 - Checkeboard genetic diagrams

5.10. GENE_033 - Punnett Squares

5.11. GENE_034 - Monohybrid crosses

5.12. GENE_035 - Pedigree charts

5.13. GENE_036 - Codominance

5.14. GENE_037 - What are genetic disorders?

5.15. GENE_038 - Genetic disorders: systic fibrosis

5.16. GENE_039 - Genetic disorders: sickle cell anaemia

5.17. GENE_040 - Genetic disorders: plydactyly

5.18. GENE_041 - Genetic disorders: Huntington's

6. Genetic Technology

6.1. GENE_042 - Genetic screening

6.2. GENE_043 - DNA Fingerprinting

6.3. GENE_044 - Asexual reproduction and cloning

6.4. GENE_045 - Modern cloning techniques

6.5. GENE_046 - Genetic Engineering

6.6. GENE_047 - Fermentation biotechnology

6.7. GENE_048 - Traditional biotechnology

6.8. GENE_049 - Recombinent DNA

6.9. GENE_050 - Genetically modified bacteria

6.10. GENE_051 - Applications of genetic modification

6.11. GENE_052 - Genetically modified crops

6.12. GENE_053 - Commercial plant cloning

6.13. GENE_054 - Genetically modified animals

6.14. GENE_055 - Stem cells

6.15. GENE_056 - Ethical issues in genetic enginering

6.16. GENE_057 - Using enzymes in genetic modification

6.17. GENE_058 - The Human Genome Project