Authentic Leadership: Defining Your Unique Style

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Authentic Leadership: Defining Your Unique Style by Mind Map: Authentic Leadership: Defining Your Unique Style

1. Objective: Enable participants to discover and define their unique leadership style, grounded in their purpose, values, and strengths.

2. Why it matters: Women leaders often feel pressure to conform to predefined leadership norms. This objective encourages them to embrace their authentic selves and lead with confidence.

3. Overview: This series guides emerging women leaders through self-discovery to define their unique leadership identity. Participants will explore their purpose, values, strengths, and aspirations, culminating in a personal leadership portfolio showcasing their unique value and leadership philosophy.

4. To Do (Actions)

4.1. Create package in Paperbell w/ QR Slide to add to Slide Deck

4.2. Determine Price (Regular and with 1:1 Coaching)

5. Workshop Structure

5.1. Format

5.1.1. 4 workshops (2-3 hours each)

5.1.2. Interactive, activity-based, incorporating adult learning principles

5.1.3. Includes assessments, reflection exercises, and meaningful outputs

5.2. Capstone Project. Participants will create a Personal Leadership Portfolio, which will include:

5.2.1. Personal biography

5.2.2. Leadership philosophy

5.2.3. Mission, vision, and values statements

5.2.4. Success stories

5.2.5. Talents, skills, and achievements

5.2.6. Unique selling proposition (USP)

5.2.7. Personal dashboard summaries (e.g., from The Power of You)

5.3. Training Plan

5.3.1. Workshop 1: Know Thyself Objective: Lay the foundation for self-awareness by exploring personal values, strengths, and purpose. Key Components: Activities: Output:

5.3.2. Workshop 2: Your Leadership Style and Philosophy Objective: Define leadership style and align it with personal philosophy and vision. Key Components: Activities: Output:

5.3.3. Workshop 3: You as a Product: Talents, Achievements, and Value Objective: Articulate the unique value you bring to the table. Key Components: Activities: Output:

5.3.4. Workshop 4: Crafting Your Leadership Portfolio Objective: Integrate all workshop outputs into a cohesive leadership portfolio. Key Components: Activities: Output:

5.3.5. Post-Workshop Engagement: Leadership Growth Hub (Optional): Monthly accountability circles to discuss ongoing leadership growth and challenges. Social Media Challenges: Share snippets of leadership philosophy or success stories (if participants are comfortable). Follow-Up Session: A 90-day review workshop to revisit progress and goals.

6. Learning Outcomes: Participants will:

6.1. Gain deep self-awareness and confidence in their leadership potential.

6.2. Develop a personal leadership philosophy and USP.

6.3. Create a tangible portfolio showcasing their unique value as a leader.

6.4. Be equipped with tools and reflections to continue growing in their careers.