Factors Influencing Didactic Nursing Education in the United States

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Factors Influencing Didactic Nursing Education in the United States by Mind Map: Factors Influencing Didactic Nursing Education in the United States

1. Nursing Higher Education: State of Affairs

2. Underserving Graduate-Level Coursework for NE Students

3. Underprepared Academic Nurse Educators (ANEs)

4. Rising tuition costs/fees, reduction in government funding

5. At risk delivery of nursing student education

6. Most PhD/DNP programs lack teaching-related course work

7. Lack of diverse faculty

8. Insensitivity to learning needs/representation of diverse students

9. Unmet Funds & Educational Resource Needs

10. Improves Faculty Qualifications/Quality

11. Promotes Student-centered learning environment

12. CCNE

13. Advances in Technology/Online based learning/Simulations

14. Standards of accrediation

15. Intense demands to adapt to rapid transitions for both student and ANEs

16. Monitors Program Outcome Metrics

17. Regional Level Impact


19. Ensures Nursing Program Follows NLN Core Values: Caring, diversity and inclusion, integrity and excellence

20. Nurse Practice Act (NPA)

21. State Boards of Nursing (BONs)

22. Scope of practice for RNs in their practcing state

23. Dictates nursing curriculum for licensure eligibility within region

24. Program Level Impact and accreditors

25. On site survey

26. Nursing Higher Education Accreditors: Competencies and Standards Issued

27. Site visits, data analysis and student performance metrics

28. Higher NCLEX-RN passing rates & RN competency standardization

29. Accreditation agency for Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, and Distance Learning Nursing programs

30. Higher Education's Act -Federal Student Aid subjected only to instituitions that are accredited by nationally recognized agencies

31. Ensures quality and integrity of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing programs

32. Improved education for future nursing work force & diversity

33. Federal Student Aid Policies

34. Created The Esstentials: Core Competences for Professional Nursing Education

35. AACN

36. Joint Commision

37. Standards for accreditation:

38. Development of Standards to promote safety and quality in health care/clinical settings

39. Quality of program curriculum, assessment of program outcomes, resources, mission, and commitment to ongoing euducation

40. Yearly competencies and safety checks in hospital settings for RNs, site surveyor presence

41. Continuous revision to standards of patient care, safety, and healthcare

42. On site survey


44. Federal, Regional and Program Level Regulators and Accreditors

45. Improved Health Care and patient outcomes

46. Unable to compensate the projected demands for RN/APRN students

47. Federal Level Impact

48. Perpetuates Nursing Shortage dilemma

49. Shortage of Qualified ANEs

50. Evolving Evidence-Based Nursing Practices

51. NSG 513-801, Module 1, Spring 1, Jan. 18, 2025 Claire Donovan