Master of Education Instructional Leadership
by Yasmin Rodriguez
1. Integrated Curriculum
1.1. Created a timeline on Important Dates in Special Education
1.2. Created an Integrated Curriculum Unit on Forces for 5th graders using Understanding by Design
2. EDUC723: Language Development: Theory to Practice
2.1. Studied the stages of language development
2.2. Observed a toddler for specific linguistic acquisition
2.3. Signature Assignment: English Language Acquisition for English Language Learners
3. EDUC633: Diverse Learners
3.1. Signature Assignment: Utilized the Universal Design for Learning to create a lesson tailored to meet the needs of all students: Dividing Decimals
3.2. Individuals with Disabilities Act
4. EDUC712: Learning Styles, Learning Theroies
4.1. Completed Lab Reports on information learned about the Science of Learning and Learning Theories.
4.2. Signature Assignment: Research paper describing trends in motivation research: Enhancing Elementary Students' Motivation in Mathematics
5. SPRING 2023
6. EDUC701: Educational Research and Design
6.1. Article Annotations in APA style
6.2. Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, and References
6.3. Proposal: Student Perceptions of Teacher Enthusiasm for Teaching Mathematics and Its Effects on Student Academic Achievement
7. EDUC790: Peace, Justice, & Educational Reform
7.1. Came up with possible solutions to current issues in education
7.2. Completed Critical Thinking Exercises
7.3. Signature Assignment: High School Improvement Plan
8. EDUC660: Exceptional Children
8.1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Powerpoint
8.2. English Language Learners Assignment from IRIS website
8.3. Differentiation Plan using Universal Design for Learning
9. EDUC726: Children's Literature
9.1. Explored how different genres of children's literature can be used in the classroom
9.2. Created a Bookfile with a variety of books for students in 3rd-5th grade.
9.3. Project about Pam Muñoz Ryan (author)
10. SUMMER 2023
11. FALL 2023
12. EDUC614: Elementary Math Methods
12.1. Three-Act Task Lesson about Adding Fractions
12.2. Studied Number Talks and incorporated them into my weekly math lessons
12.3. Problem Solving Tasks
13. WINTER 2024
14. SPRING 2024
15. FALL 2024
16. Lesson Plans that can be used in my current classroom were created
17. Completed Academic Research on a Mathematics topoic