What is Technology?

What is technology in our modern world

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What is Technology? by Mind Map: What is Technology?

1. What I thought Technology was:

1.1. "Limited to an electronic circuit or electronic device designed to perform a task" -Kaden, B

1.1.1. Light Bulb

1.1.2. Radio

1.1.3. Computer

1.1.4. Electric Motor

1.1.5. Digital Camera

1.2. "The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even painting" -Engelbart, Douglas.

2. What I think Technology is Now:

2.1. "Any Tool, object, or process designed or developed by humans to solve a problem or make a task easier, quicker and safer" -Kaden.B

2.1.1. I now believe that Mechanical Devices are a form of technology Vehicles Printing Press Internal Combustion Engine

2.1.2. I believe that Processes which we have developed are a major part of Technology Smelting Ore Lasic eye surgery Operating Systems for electronic devices Mass production of Paper Creation of chemical compounds

2.1.3. Tools are the "original" technology. In many circumstances they are still the most efficient tool Hammer Drill Screws and Nails Pencil Umbrella Swords and Knives

2.1.4. I now believe that Technology can be In the form of Objects Table and Chair Door Latch Copper pipe

2.1.5. The responsible, effective use and understanding of technology Rules and Regulations "Technology alone is not enough" -Steve Jobs Understanding of dangers and proper uses "DDT on crops is a bad idea but DDT sprayed on local homes, theres nothing better to eliminate Malaria" -Kevin Kelly Training of use "Knowledge is closely related to technology, since the pure disposal of technology is not sufficient for successful implementation" -Li-Hua

2.2. "Technology is anything useful invented by a mind" -Kevin Kelly

3. Citiations and References

3.1. -TED Talks (2010, February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4 -Li-Hua, R. (2007), "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 No. 3. https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 -John, Dyer (2021, January 18) Defining The Word “Technology”... Four Times, https://perma.cc/FV4Q-FNNC -Jobs, Steve (2010) “Technology alone in not enough” Gates, Bill. (1999) “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it” -Engelbart, Douglas. (1999). “The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even painting” -Kelly, Kevin. (2010). “Technology is anything useful invented by a mind” -Kay, Alan. (n.d.). “Technology is anything invented after we were born” -Kelly, Kevin. (2010). "DDT on crops is a bad idea but DDT sprayed on local homes, theres nothing better to eliminate Malaria" -Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology? “Knowledge is closely related to technology, since the pure disposal of technology is not sufficient for successful implementation"

4. Why we will always need new technologies

4.1. Advancements in our Technology is what ensures our survival. In our ever changing world, we must constantly evolve to protect ourselves from threats such as bacteria, a changing climate, or even warfare against our own.

4.2. Should old technology still be considered technology? A Pencil is much slower than a printer.

4.2.1. "Technology is anything invented after we were born" -Alan Kay

4.2.2. Technology may be considered obsolete when a newer technology designed to outperform its predecessor is developed

4.3. "There has always been a demand to complete tasks better and more efficiently that you could the day before" -Kaden.B

4.4. Technological developments are required for businesses to stay competitive.

4.4.1. The next best smartphone, car, or faster production lines for buisnesses

4.5. "the advance of technology is based on making it fit is no that you dont really even notice it" -Bill Gates