1. Why we need new technologies
1.1. New technologies help us improve Our quality of life. Having new Technologies can help us solve big problems like healthcare climate Change and etc. We should never stop trying to make or better systems/technologies because once we are fine with a current system We will never update/change it. New technologies help us with Productivity and creating new solutions to problems we might not know yet that will be a future Problem. Also having access to these new technologies can just make our daily lives easier and More efficient.
1.1.1. The main point about wanting new technologies is not that we need a better way to do this or that. It is more of what would we do if this happens. In our world today, more than not I feel we have a lot of unanswered questions of what would we do if this happened. A perfect, example of this was covid. Covid really showed us our healthcare today still needs tons of work to be able to handle something like covid again. Having these new technologies ultimately help us when the unknown comes, when there is a time when we can't find the solution or answer these new technologies that we keep Developing will be there to help us solve the problem.
2. Technology Before
2.1. Electronics
2.1.1. Computers, Phones, Tablets, Laptops, etc
2.2. Any Object created by humans that uses brand-new technologies like phones/computers that also get updated/changed every 1–3 years With new designs and features.
3. Technology Now
3.1. Technology now is more of a tool/physical representation of Knowledge. That we create and use To better our lives. One part of Technology is what we create of it and what we have accomplished By using it. Some examples of this would be our phones, we use them as a tool to better our knowledge of a lot of areas or even simpler Things like telling the time. To me, Technology can also be seen as a representation of what we have used it in the past to create objects/systems that work with us Today. The other side of technology is what we can improve from what we already have, and why it is very important to need new technologies. Overall Technology today or 100 years ago or 100 years in the future will still be very important to us humans and what we make of it. Technology will always improve as time goes on and we as humans have to strive to make more and learn more and develop more technologies.
3.1.1. Dyer, J. has a good definition on technology that I like because he splits technology into four different definitions, one for hardware, Manufacturing, Methodology and Social Usage. I think Technology is closest to the Hardware definition. "Technology as Hardware – this is the basic level that most of us mean when we use the word “technology.” As a piece of hardware (or an “artifact” for the anthropologist or “cultural good” for the sociologist), “technology” could be a clock, a shovel, a laptop, a belt, a thermometer, a can of root beer, a canteen, a tank, or a fake duck decoy. These are basically things do not occur “naturally” – which, for theists, are things God himself did not make. [As commenter Eric pointed out, this is a very broad definition which overlaps with things we would normally call art. I would also point out that this definition encompasses things that animals might make like bees’ hives and beavers’ dams.]" Dyer (2009)
3.1.2. "Technology as Manufacturing – taking a step back from the devices in our pockets and on our desks (and the desk itself) are the things that are used to make all these other things. Technology as manufacturing includes not just about the vat holding the molten steel for our next car or the robot putting together our next computer, but also the entire process (or “sociotechnical system,” as the philosophers say) from the people running the machines to the electrical grid powering the plant to the legislation passed that regulates the industry. This conception of technology was largely non-existent before the Industrial Revolution."Dyer(2009)
3.2. "When people think of “technology,” they tend to think of human artifacts such as machines, electronic devices, scientific hardware, or industrial manufacturing systems. However, a formal definition (College Dictionary) of technology indicates that it has a more general meaning which includes any “practical application of knowledge” or “manner of accomplishing a task”." Isman (2012)
3.2.1. "Technology is a wonderful, amazing, always-changing bag of tricks that helps human beings to live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives (although these could take place the other way around)." — Megantz (2002) "Technology represents the combination of human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated since ancient times to make things that fulfil our needs and desires or that perform certain functions." Karatsu(1990) Technology overall is something we create that can be used to better our lives in everyday use. Technology is not only electronics or phones or computers. Technology is anything we make from it and we will continue improving and making technology until the end of time.