Customer experience

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Customer experience by Mind Map: Customer experience

1. Customer experience

1.1. Perception about service

1.2. Emotions

1.2.1. Expectations

1.2.2. Touch points Points of interactions

1.2.3. Final Experience

2. Experience vs Service

2.1. Experience

2.1.1. Emotional

2.1.2. Memorable Long last connection

2.1.3. Comprehensive

2.2. Service

2.2.1. Task oriented

2.2.2. Functional

2.2.3. Transactional approach Long last connection

3. Reasons for Improvement

3.1. Increase customer loyality

3.2. Drives word of mouth refferrals

3.3. Differentiates brand in competitive markets

3.4. Boosts revenue

3.4.1. Business growth

4. Tools for Improvement

4.1. Feedback collections

4.1.1. Surveys

4.1.2. NPS(Net Promoter Score)

4.2. CRM tools

4.2.1. Sales personels

4.2.2. Hubspot

4.3. Personalization tools

4.3.1. AI driven tools

4.4. Training programs

5. Customer Involvement

5.1. Co-creation

5.1.1. Engaging customers in design

5.2. Feedback loops

5.2.1. Improvements through insights

5.3. Community engagement

5.3.1. Engaging customers in discussions