Group targeting family memebers of Individuals at a high risk of opioid overdose.
by Douglas St. John

1. Education about the Opioid crisis
1.1. Clearly defining Opioid crisis
1.1.1. CAMH definitions
1.1.2. Defining Opioids
1.1.3. Contributing factors
1.2. Preventative Mesures
1.2.1. Narcan
1.2.2. Drug replacemnt therapy
2. Peer suport aspect
2.1. Sharing experence
2.2. Sharing What has worked for them
2.3. developing a sense of comunity
2.4. Fostering friemdships
3. Education about coping stratagies
3.1. DBT
3.1.1. Mindfulness
3.1.2. Interpersonal effectiveness
3.2. CBT
3.2.1. Behaviours
3.2.2. Thoughts
3.2.3. Feelings
3.3. Breathing Exerzizes
3.3.1. Box breathing
3.3.2. Meditation
3.4. Journling
3.4.1. Writing down feelings thoughts and behaviours.
3.5. Self Care
3.5.1. exersize
3.5.2. Hobby