1. Migration and Displacement
3. Humanitarian Diplomacy
4. Strengthening Integrity
5. Diaster Law
6. Lead to Change
7. Global First Aid
8. Knowledge Development
9. Humanitarian Research
10. Finance Development
11. Operations-related CoPs
11.1. Protected Crisis and Complex Emergencies WG (in progress)
11.2. AP Cash Working Group (in progress)
11.3. DREF (in progress)
12. Learning Related CoPs
12.1. Humanitarian Research
12.1.1. RC3 official members
12.1.2. 2025 Long Night of Research
12.1.3. 2026 Sommer School WG
12.1.4. AI WG
12.2. Knowledge Developement
12.3. Lead to Change
12.3.1. English Cohort
12.3.2. Spanish Corhot
12.3.3. Spanish Cohort 2
12.3.4. French Cohort
13. Legal-related CoPs
13.1. Disaster Law
13.1.1. Small Island Developing States Network
13.2. European Legal Support Group
13.2.1. CT and Sanctions Reference Group
13.2.2. EU Pledge Reference Group
13.3. Audit and Assurance Matters (in progress)
13.4. African Legal Advisers Forum (in progress)
14. Technology-related CoPs
14.1. Digital Transformation
14.1.1. Artificial Inteliigence
14.1.2. Business Application
14.1.3. CONNECT
14.1.4. Data Governance
14.2. IM (in progress)
15. Programs-Related CoPs
15.1. Branch Development
15.1.1. BOCA Facilitators
15.1.2. Feedback channel BDC
15.2. CEA
15.2.1. CEA Ambassador's Network
15.2.2. CEA Surge
15.2.3. Community Connectors and Moderators
15.2.4. Meaningful Participation
15.3. HR
15.3.1. HR in Emergencies
15.3.2. HRGIDD
15.4. Migration and Displacement
15.4.1. Immigration Detention
15.4.2. Integration and Inclusion of Migrants
15.5. Humanitarian Diplomacy
15.5.1. MENA HD
15.6. PMER
15.6.1. PMER Community Developers
15.7. Strengthening Integrity
15.8. Volunteering Development
15.8.1. Volunteer engagement, motivation and retention
15.8.2. European Network for the Development of Volunteering
15.8.3. Volunteer safety, security and well-being
15.9. Resource Mobilization
15.9.1. Commercial and Workplace First Aid
15.9.2. Fundraising
15.9.3. Income generating activities and asset management
15.9.4. Innovative and social finance
15.9.5. Asia Pacific Fundraisers Network
15.10. Finance Development Competency Framework
15.10.1. Accounting
15.10.2. Core Costs and Cost Recovery
15.10.3. FDCN Community Ambassadors
15.10.4. Finance Systems and Compliance
15.10.5. Fraud and Corruption Prevention
16. Branch Development
17. Health-related CoPs
17.1. Global First Aid
17.1.1. First Aid Education European Network
17.1.2. IFAA Representatives
17.2. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
17.2.1. MHPSS European Network