Sexual Harassment Training

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Sexual Harassment Training by Mind Map: Sexual Harassment Training

1. Defining Sexual Harassment

1.1. Content

1.1.1. What is sexual harassment? physical and verbal give examples (sexual jokes, unwelcome touching or advances, etc.)

1.1.2. Types of harassment quid pro quo hostile work environment

1.1.3. give example

1.2. Multimedia

1.2.1. interactive drag and drop mini lesson

1.2.2. scenario-based activity to promote learning

1.2.3. interactive quiz to check knowledge with immediate feedback

2. Impact on Victims

2.1. Content

2.1.1. potential psychological consequences

2.1.2. potential professional consequences

2.1.3. case study

2.2. Multimedia

2.2.1. mini multimedia lesson

2.2.2. interactive case study

2.2.3. interactive quiz to check knowledge with immediate feedback

3. Intervention & Reporting

3.1. Content

3.1.1. bystander intervention

3.1.2. outline company's reporting process

3.1.3. give example of both

3.2. Multimedia

3.2.1. mini lesson with voice and images scenario-based learning

3.2.2. interactive scenario to practice bystander intervention

3.2.3. interactive quiz to check knowledge with immediate feedback

4. Supervisor Resonsibility & Legal Framework

4.1. Content

4.1.1. outline specific responsibilities of supervisor taking prompt action

4.1.2. provide information on relevant laws prohibiting sexual harassment potential legal consequences for perpetrators

4.2. Multimedia

4.2.1. interactive lesson with images

4.2.2. interactive quiz to check knowledge with immediate feedback

5. Scenarios and Positive Workplace Culture

5.1. Content

5.1.1. use realistic scenarios to help employees implement what they've learned practice appropriate responses

5.1.2. promote importance of creating a respectful workplace culture no fear of retaliation

5.2. Multimedia

5.2.1. video lesson with images self-reflection on what was learned

5.2.2. virtual role playing discussion forums and polls

5.2.3. interactive quiz to check knowledge with immediate feedback

6. Principles

6.1. Usability Principles

6.1.1. all ten usability principles need to be utilized during this training using each one effectively will ensure the focus is on the user and that the training is intuitive

6.2. Reduce Extraneous Processing Principles

6.2.1. with the multiple mini-lessons, it's important to focus on the redundancy principle when making the videos use spatial contiguity to put feedback on each page

6.3. Principles for Essential Processing

6.3.1. this topic can be overwhelming, so segmenting is essential the mini lessons exist in each section to provide pre-training

6.4. Principles for Generative Processing

6.4.1. use personalization principle with lessons and activities use voice principle in all aspects of training