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Job Search by Mind Map: Job Search

1. permanent

1.1. legal

1.1.1. Westlaw / Lexis

1.1.2. Law firms

1.1.3. Corporate

1.1.4. Law clerk

1.1.5. self-employment law practice

1.1.6. teaching adjunct CC's prep classes professor

1.2. non-legal

1.2.1. editing

1.2.2. computer related systems engineer webmaster / design

1.2.3. writing

2. temporary

2.1. seasonal

2.1.1. retail

2.1.2. UPS

2.1.3. Frame shops

2.2. legal

2.2.1. doc review - multiple locations

2.2.2. online freelance jobs

2.2.3. odd matters / clients

2.3. non-legal

2.3.1. online freelance jobs

2.3.2. computer related

3. self-assessment

3.1. books

3.2. counselor

3.3. recruiter

4. secondary activities

4.1. volunteering

4.2. weblog

4.3. law review article

4.4. online networking

4.4.1. networking sites

4.4.2. social media

4.4.3. solosez

4.4.4. bar association forums

4.5. developing marketable mac/iphone software

4.6. offline networking

4.6.1. bar association

4.7. discussions with HR professionals

4.7.1. 12/3 teleconference on alternative legal careers

4.7.2. W&L career services