Limina Principles

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Limina Principles by Mind Map: Limina Principles

1. Knowledge

1.1. Everyone can teach and learn

1.2. Life skills - improvise

1.3. Building capacity

1.4. To build awareness

2. Experience

2.1. Humour!

2.2. Create with and respond to the cycles of nature/seasons

2.3. Slow burning, ability to combine resilience, health & balance

2.4. Skills

2.5. Body

2.6. Deep learning/inspiring & long-lasting

3. Nurturing Responsibility

3.1. The responsibility of belonging

3.2. Providing support to people to make decisions

3.3. Peer monitoring

3.4. Leadership

4. Longevity & Enrichment

4.1. People

4.2. Community

4.3. Place

5. Inclusive & Open

5.1. People - Age, race, background

5.2. Different needs

5.3. Different desired directions/visions

5.4. Collaboration - how do people come together?

5.5. Nourishing core gift of individuals

5.6. Celebration of open diversity

6. Innovation

6.1. Interdisciplinary, creativity, cross-pollination

6.2. Finding ways of engaging group creativity

6.3. Collaborative Design

6.4. Changing the underlying story - "retelling the story"

7. Connection

7.1. People

7.2. Disciplines

7.3. Wild/rural/city

8. Process

8.1. Collaborative

8.2. Explorative

8.3. Balance of process & product

8.4. Walking the talk

8.5. Constant reviewing

8.6. Simplicity- identifying the most important need and overview

8.7. Setting realistic goals