System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by Mind Map: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

1. Analysis Phase

1.1. Study the current system

1.2. Determine system requirements

1.3. Write requirements report

2. Implementation Phase

2.1. Purchase and install hardware and/or software

2.2. Create applications

2.3. Test applications

2.4. Finalize documentation

2.5. Train users

2.6. Convert data

2.7. Convert to new system

3. Planning Phase

3.1. Assemble the project team

3.2. Justify project

3.3. Choose development methodology

3.4. Develop a project schedule

3.5. Produce a Project Development Plan

4. Design Phase

4.1. Identify potential solutions

4.1.1. During the 'Identify potential solutions' activity of the Design Phase, the project team needs to find out how the system will fulfill requirements that were identified in the last analysis phase. There might be more than one way to solve these problems. With this, it is possible that there will be a more more effective, less costly, or less complex solution to others. This means that it is not wise to go with the first solution you come up with to solve your problem(s). This is where the project team should think of several different potential hardware and software solutions by brainstorming and researching.

4.2. Evaluate solutions and select the best

4.3. Select hardware and software

4.4. Develop application specifications

4.5. Obtain approval to implement the new system

5. Maintenance Phase

5.1. Operate equipment

5.2. Make backups

5.3. Provide help for users

5.4. Fix bugs

5.5. Optimize for speed and security

5.6. Revise software as necessary to meet business needs