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Sowing & Reaping por Mind Map: Sowing & Reaping

1. Stipulations

1.1. If you start pouring out, giving your life away for others in need, you will receive much more than you sow.

1.2. If you need joy, lift someone elses heart up

1.3. If you need motivation, find a cause that serves people and connect your dream to it.

1.4. If you get involved in investing in others, joy will come to your heart.

1.5. If you give, you will receive more

2. Principles

2.1. Actions based on beliefs will produce results beyond your imagination

2.2. It will not really make sense to a logical mind, but it can wake up your heart to believe!

2.3. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will be watered himself.

2.4. If you're withholding your time, talent, and treasures from the dream of God's design for your life, you're missing the joy that comes from serving others, the joy in seeing God's hope for them come to pass. No personal achievement can measure up to that!

3. Scriptures

3.1. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

4. Caveats

4.1. those who profess to be Christians must pay attention to the spiritual law of sowing and reaping.

4.2. King David experienced serious psychosomatic trouble as a result of his sin.

4.3. If Israel did serve other gods, the holy jealousy of God would manifest and he would deal with his people severely.

4.4. God will put some fear of God into our hearts as we examine the way God dealt with his people and disciplined them when they sinned against him.

4.5. Once again, we must ask: When we sin, do we think about the implications of our sin, in our own lives as well as in the lives of our children, our children’s children, and their children in the generations to come? What arrogance, what blindness, what shortsightedness we display when we give in to sin, as David did!

5. Implications

5.1. Before all these things happened, I am sure David the believer had thought that he could get away with it all—a little sowing of evil, a little lust, a little indulging in the evil pleasure of adultery, a little arrogance, a little lack of listening to the word of God, a little laziness, a little injustice—with no consequences. But what was God saying through Nathan to David? "No, David. You sowed evil and you shall reap the consequences. You threw a stone into the pond and the ripples will be many, affecting not only you but your family and your kingdom."

5.2. One sin will produce a terrible chain reaction of consequences. First, it will work against you, but then it will work against your children and your children’s children—against your whole family and beyond. Then it will work against your profession, your economic status, and your health. Even one sin will affect every aspect of your life.

5.3. As a son of God, David had sinned, and God had to chasten him. Why does God give pain to his children? To produce holiness in them. That is why David had to be disciplined, even though it was painful.

5.3.1. As we read the story of Amnon, we see that the sexual sin of the father manifested in his son, not in terms of adultery, but something worse than that—incest and rape. Did David think about this kind of thing when he secretly sinned with Bathsheba? Yes, David indulged in what he probably considered a little lust, but I am sure that he never considered that a time would come when his own son would manifest this trait in greater grossness. Full of lust, Amnon devised a scheme and raped Tamar, who was his own sister through another mother.

5.3.2. Tamar was the full sister of another son named Absalom, who didn’t say anything at the time, but later invited Amnon to come for a feast given by Absalom during the time of sheep-sheering. This was a plan by Absalom to murder Amnon, and Amnon was cut down at the feast. Do you think David thought about these things when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and secretly arranged to have Uriah murdered? No! David’s actions were totally self-centered. He acted blindly, not foreseeing any repercussions in the generations to come.

5.4. When we sin, we are sowing an evil seed into a field of human beings, especially those who are near to us, which continues to future generations.

5.5. Somebody once said that we sow a thought and reap an act; we sow an act and reap a habit; we sow a habit and reap a character; and we sow a character and reap a destiny. Evil thoughts produce evil deeds which, in turn, produce evil habits and evil character, and, finally, result in evil destiny.

5.6. the seed of sin is extremely potent. It will spring up, the root will go down, and in due time there will be fruit—serious, grievous fruit.

5.7. We need to be careful when we are tempted to sin, especially when no one is watching but God.