It's Shocking: Electricity

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It's Shocking: Electricity por Mind Map: It's Shocking: Electricity

1. Where does electricity come from?

1.1. The electricity from school comes from a place where only very little people are allowed to go inside. Only 3 or 5 are allowed inside the place. The voltage is high voltage 40.

2. Whats a fuse?

2.1. A fuse's job is to stop protect your light bulb from getting to light.

3. Steel and copper

3.1. I learnt that if you put steel and copper inside of a chemical the steel will turn to copper and then if you reverse the batteries all the copper will come of the steel and back onto the copper!

4. What needs electricity to work?

4.1. Electricity needs batteries to work other wises if you make a light bulb light up with no batteries it won't work.

5. How does electricity work?

5.1. Electricity needs batteries to work. Most Electric things need dry cell batteries. There called dry cell because some batteries have liquid inside like car batteries.

6. What is electricity?

6.1. Electricity is source of power controlled by batteries. (at least thats the only way for it to work!)