Teaching and Education

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Teaching and Education por Mind Map: Teaching and Education

1. Sources

1.1. Holubitsky. J. (2002). A day in the life. Edmonton: The Edmonton Journal

1.2. Peters, F.(2014). Understanding Education in Canada. University of Alberta

1.3. Ghosh, R. (2008). Racism: A Hidden Curriculum. Education Canada, 48(4), 26-29.

1.4. Reeves, D. B. (2004). The Case Against the Zero. Phi Delta Kappan, 86(4), 324-325.

1.5. Wallace, J. (2007). Inclusive Schooling and Gender. The Alberta Teachers Association

2. sociological Perspectives

2.1. Functionalist believe that every individual plays a role in society. Students and teachers play many roles in the classroom. For example teachers play the role of an educator as well as classroom manager. Students play many roles, one example would be a class clown being an entertainer for other students in the class.

2.2. The Hidden Curriculum: what students learn in school that is not taught be the teacher.

2.2.1. Racism and homophobia are negative consequences of the hidden curriculum.

2.2.2. A positive element of the hidden curriculum is learning social skills such as creating friendships, sharing and bonding with piers.

2.3. There are many stereotypes that coincide with male elementary teachers which include the idea that all male elementary teachers are gay or pedophiles. These stereotypes may have an influence on why there is a low number of male elementary teachers.

3. Philosophical Perspectives

3.1. It is important for teachers to organize their time efficiently in and outside the classroom. By doing this students will not waste class time and it will be easier for teachers to have time for school work as well as a personal life.

3.2. The no zero policy

3.2.1. It is the idea of some teachers that if a student does not hand in a assignment that they deserve an F or or a 0.

3.2.2. Other teachers have the belief that it is not faire to give students a grade on something that they have not done, therefore 0s should not be awarded.

3.3. The Curriculum taught needs be changed constantly to adapt to the current society and economy. Eg. The school system should be preparing students for the jobs that are currently in demand. Currently the RAP program is in schools because of the increased demand for trades jobs in our current economy.

4. Historical Perspectives

4.1. The common school act of 1841 allowed Catholics and Protestants to have their own separate schools.

4.2. The aboriginal people of canada did not leave evidence of detailed structure of education but they had some form of informal education

4.3. Near the end of the 18th century schooling began in small areas of Canada . Because Canada's population was increasing there was more demand for education.

4.4. The provincial government was deemed responsible for education within the province. The federal government was not responsible for education.

4.5. In 1970, the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada recognized the importance of schooling as a location for addressing gender inequity