Prohibition of smoking

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Prohibition of smoking por Mind Map: Prohibition of smoking

1. Heath

1.1. lower risk of cancer

1.2. lower risk of cardiovascular diseases

1.3. no passive smoking

1.4. better fitness

1.5. losing a form of stress-relief

1.6. many people will stop smoking

2. Law

2.1. loss of personal rights

3. Economy

3.1. families save a lot of money

3.2. black market

3.3. state loses tax income

3.4. factories have to shut down

3.5. increase for the pharmaceutical industry

3.5.1. anti-smoking plasters and pills

4. Society

4.1. loss of a social activity

4.2. non-smokers won't have to stay away from groups

5. Environmental protection

5.1. less air pollution

5.2. less littering