Abraham Lincoln was a woman!

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Abraham Lincoln was a woman! by Mind Map: Abraham Lincoln was a woman!

1. Incident 1: Suddenly Lincoln's twin "sister" showing up at the house for a visit.

2. Incident 2: Roger pulls off the mask and says she/he cannot do this anymore. Suddenly Roger reveals that he is actually Roberta. And she tells everyone that Lincoln is actually her sister Linda.

3. Incident 3: Linda has to explain to her wife (Mrs. Lincoln) that he is actually a she. Mrs. Lincoln decides to divorce him because she "does not play for that team". Linda/Lincoln is very sad and now decides to go public with his surprise.

4. Resolution: Mr. Lincoln/ Linda becomes public with the shocking news that he is actually a woman. The public still believe she has been a great president so they decide to keep her as the president. A bittersweet ending for Linda/Lincoln; she is now divorced but still president in the comfort of being who she actually is, a girl.

5. Characters: Abraham Lincoln, Abraham's confused wife and Abraham's twin, Roger.

6. Setting: 1862 Lincoln had been president for two years now and finally could not keep lying anymore. Place is at Lincoln's presidential home. Culturally its very refined people who are in the den talking.

7. Conflict: Lincoln had pretended to be a man this whole time so he could become president but when his twin "sister" came to town the truth came out about his gender.