Personal Learning Network. What could it look like?

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Personal Learning Network. What could it look like? by Mind Map: Personal Learning Network.       What could it look like?

1. Note-taking

1.1. Evernote

1.2. Google Drive

1.3. Dropbox

2. Brainstorming

2.1. Mindmapping

2.2. Padlet

3. Knowledge aggregation

3.1. Feedly

3.2. Twitter


3.4. Flipboard

4. Reflection

4.1. Blogging

4.2. NAU communities

5. Colleagues

5.1. Departmental colleagues

5.2. Other teachers

5.3. Line manager

5.4. Head teacher

6. Students

7. Knowledge seeking

7.1. Wikipedia

7.2. Internet browsing

7.3. Slideshare

7.4. Twitter

8. Online dialogue

8.1. Linkedin groups

8.2. Facebook

8.3. Twitter