Building communities, thoughts, patters, and best practices

A collection of blog posts about building social technologies and communities on the web.

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Building communities, thoughts, patters, and best practices by Mind Map: Building communities, thoughts, patters, and best practices

1. 1) Underestimating The Cold Start Problem

2. "Ten ways flickr builds community" by Kelly Miller via BusinessWeek

2.1. Engage

2.2. Enforce

2.3. Take Responsibility

2.4. Step Back

2.5. Give Freely

2.6. Be Patient

2.7. Hire Fans

2.8. Stay Calm

2.9. Focus

2.10. Be Visible

3. "Common Pitfalls of Building Social Web Applications and How to Avoid Them" by Joshua Porter

3.1. 2) Focusing on Too Many Things

3.2. 3) Lack of Sustained Execution

3.3. 4) Pointing the Finger when Missteps Happen

3.4. 5) Not Appointing a Full-time Community Manager

3.5. 6) Not Building Archived Knowledge

3.6. 7) An Over-Focus on Social Value

3.7. 8) Not Enabling Recommendations

3.8. 9) Failing to Set a Good Example

3.9. 10) Failure to See the Larger War

3.10. 11) No Business Plan other than to Grow

4. Google's social design best practices

4.1. 1. Engage Quickly

4.2. 2. Mimic Look and Feel

4.3. 3. Enable Self Expression

4.4. 4. Make it Dynamic

4.5. 5. Expose Friend Activity

4.6. 6. Browse the Graph

4.7. 7. Drive Communication

4.8. 8. Build Communities

4.9. 9. Solve Real World Tasks

5. Growing networks around social objects. A talk by Jyri Engstrom

5.1. 1. Define your object

5.2. 2. Define your verbs

5.2.1. how can people act on the object

5.3. 3. Make those objects shareable

5.3.1. peramalink objects

5.3.2. embeds/widgets to make objects portable

5.3.3. share actual files

5.4. 4. Turn invitations into gifts

5.4.1. paypal sign up $10 bonus

5.4.2. skype sign up friend for free calls

5.5. 5. charge the publishers not the spectators

5.5.1. "freemium business model"