1. Circulatory System
1.1. arteries
1.1.1. carries blood rich in oxygen
1.1.2. carries blood away from the heart
1.2. veins
1.2.1. carries blood poor in oxygen
1.2.2. carries blood back to the heart
1.3. heart
1.3.1. pumps blood to all parts of the body
1.4. blood
1.4.1. transport materials around the body for e.x. digested food oxygen carbon dioxide other materials
2. Muscular System
2.1. works with the skeletal system
2.2. are mostly red in colour
2.3. is found everywhere around the body
3. Digestive System
3.1. mouth
3.1.1. the food goes through minimum chewing
3.1.2. saliva and tongue helps to roll food into a bowl
3.2. gullet
3.2.1. food goes down through here after passing through the mouth
3.2.2. the muscles in the gullet helps it to push the food down
3.3. stomach
3.3.1. churns the food into smaller pieces before going through the small intestine
3.3.2. has digestive juices
3.4. small intestine
3.4.1. the food that has been fully digested nutrients is absorbed my the walls of the small intestine and then transported to all parts of the body by the circulatory system
3.5. large intestine
3.5.1. the undigested food are brought here and the water is absorbed by the large intestine before being passed out by the anus
3.6. anus
3.6.1. the unwanted waste materials are passed out here
4. Skeletal System
4.1. consists of bones
4.2. works with the muscular system for movement
4.3. use joints to connect the bones
4.4. it can be found all over the body
4.5. helps to protect the important organs
4.6. gives support to the body
5. respiratory system
5.1. nose
5.1.1. air enters and leaves the body from this organ
5.1.2. the tiny hair in the nose helps trap dust
5.2. windpipe
5.2.1. it Is the main air tube that branches into may smaller air tubes
5.3. air tubes
5.3.1. tubes which connect the nose and the lungs through which air flows
5.4. lungs
5.4.1. organs in which the exchange of gases takes place
5.4.2. we have 2 lungs which have many blood vessels