Plotting a story (A misunderstanding)

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Plotting a story (A misunderstanding) by Mind Map: Plotting a story (A misunderstanding)

1. The sun shone brightly trough Ciara bedroom .Ciara took heavy steps to the toilet.She have breakfast and pack up and went out of the house.

2. Then,she started spreading rumours about me.I tried to not to believe but it has gone too far. I had no choice but end this misunderstanding.

3. 3. Climax

4. Series of Events

4.1. Ciara walk to the park and she saw this two best friend fought together

4.1.1. she remembered about the incident and her best friend fought together.

5. 1. Introduction

6. 5. Moral

6.1. We should not spread things that are not true or we will create misunderstanding.

7. 4.solution

7.1. when ciara at the hospital,her friends came and forgive her what do they

7.2. when ciara at the hospital,her friends came and forgive to her.