Should Schools Continue Teaching Cursive?

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Should Schools Continue Teaching Cursive? por Mind Map: Should Schools Continue Teaching Cursive?

1. Yes

1.1. Adrian- Yes because many people might not know how to read cursive

1.2. Alexandra- Yes because cursive is a better way to write things faster.

1.3. Abigail- Yes because some people don't know cursive and it is a waste of time to make people

2. Yes

2.1. people can write cursive faster than print

2.2. We are unable to read the constitution

2.3. Need to learn cursive to write your signature

2.4. People think that cursive is a beautiful art form

3. What People Think

4. No

5. No

5.1. common core standards don't include cursive

5.2. people think that cursive isn't important

5.3. people say it is really hard

5.4. Schools say their is not enough money