Learning/ University Concept

Last revision 9 Feb 2010

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Learning/ University Concept por Mind Map: Learning/ University Concept

1. Yr. 4 - Curriculum III

2. Mission Statement

3. Self Improvement

3.1. Finance for Non-Financial Managers

3.2. Change Management

3.3. Ethics

3.4. Communication

3.5. *Applicable across all functions

3.6. Some will mandatory, some optional

3.7. Viewed as a personal reward

4. Funding

4.1. Budget

4.2. Cost Sharing

4.3. Measuring ROI

4.4. Understand proportion of funding from Global and Regional

5. Curriculum Development

5.1. Inventory what we have

5.1.1. Hagop's Inventory List

5.2. Inventory market: DDI, CCL, Harvard Business School Publishing

5.3. Internally developed

5.3.1. knowledge capture

5.4. Facilitator Development

5.5. Workbook Development

5.6. Library

5.6.1. Articles

5.6.2. Books

5.6.3. Approved extended learning courses

6. LDP

7. Vision or Objective

8. New Hire Orientation - Combines preliminary level introduction to foundation concepts.

8.1. Culture

8.2. Values

8.3. Org Model

8.4. Financial/Bus Model

8.5. Communications

8.6. Ethics

8.7. Quality

9. Delivery Model

9.1. Designed to map to Oracle LMS scheduled for 2011 in PeopleWise

9.2. Deploy fast

9.3. Ensure value-added

9.4. Distance learning

9.5. Social Networking component?

10. Yr. 3 - Career Development

10.1. Facilitator of Discussion Group on Core Topic

10.2. Organize Speaker's Series

11. Segmenting Model

11.1. Identify targeted job levels/families/roles

11.2. Define a limited pilot group

11.3. Prioritize manager segments

12. Yr. 2 - Social Networking

12.1. Facilitated Discussion Groups

12.2. Reading Lists

12.3. Guest Speaker - Internal Expert

12.4. Readiness of Grapevine? Utilize publicly available technology?

13. Quality Control

13.1. Standards

13.2. Measure

13.3. Governance

14. Career Development

14.1. Manager Development

14.1.1. Nomination/qualification process

14.2. Communications and Coaching for Managers

14.3. Continuous Improvement

14.4. Leadership Development

15. Survey - Internal Market; Inventory - Internal Offerings (competing interests)

15.1. Where to pitch curriculum development

15.2. Participant other obligations

15.3. Attitudes towards education and career development

16. Yr. 3 - Master's Level Curriculum - II

17. Technical Job Training (specialty)

17.1. Operations

17.2. Customer Service

17.3. Sales

18. Program Marketing

19. SME Devel

19.1. Define Roles of L/D and SMEs

19.2. Train-the-trainer

20. Leadership Competencies

20.1. Leadership competencies are for everyone?

20.2. Understand competencies of successful people in the org

21. Performance Management

22. GIL's "Value Proposition" for employees