e safety Parental Knowledge

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e safety Parental Knowledge por Mind Map: e safety Parental Knowledge

1. Computer security at home

1.1. Fire Wall

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Security settings

1.2.1. Advanced search settings

1.2.2. New node

1.3. Social networking sites

1.3.1. What are social networking sites? Keeping children safe Definition Most popular sites

2. esafety education for parents

2.1. Learn and Lunch

2.2. Leaflets and Boooks

2.3. Parent's seminar

2.4. Parents online

3. Safety with games

3.1. Game Classifications

3.1.1. 3+ 7+ 12+

3.2. Are parents concerned?

3.3. PEGI

3.3.1. Link to Game Safety

4. Byron

5. Esafety videos

5.1. Children teaching parents

5.2. Know it all for parents