21st Century Teaching and Learning
by Joop Vanschie
1. Funding Policy
1.1. S.Ehrmann; Triple Challenge
1.1.1. Control costs
1.1.2. Improve outcomes
1.1.3. Extend acces to new and older learners
1.2. ROI on Blended learning
2. Future forces affecting the educational system
2.1. Knowledge
2.2. Economy
2.3. Society
2.4. Systems
2.5. Organizations
2.6. Self
3. Community of Inquiry
3.1. Social Presence
3.1.1. Purposeful communication
3.1.2. Identification with the community
3.2. Teaching presence
3.2.1. Preparation, Skill and Commitments of Instructor
3.2.2. Alternatives to Traditional Instructor Role
3.2.3. Shared roles and responsibilities with students
3.3. Cognitive Presence
3.3.1. Reflection and discourse
3.3.2. Practical Inquiry
4. Consensus on Target Skills, Knowledge and Dispositions for the learner
5. Leadership
6. Business Alignment
6.1. strategic
6.1.1. implementing e - learning
6.2. tactical
6.2.1. e.g. ELGG
6.3. operational
6.3.1. how to start