by Kevin Chau
1. Learning and Education
1.1. We can learn new things from the internet and all kinds of things
1.2. We can display all kinds of information on blogs, social networking sites and other people can read it
2. Life and Career Skills
2.1. Social networking is used for businesses and whatnot and they can display what their businesses are about and they can get more customers
2.2. The web can help communicate some businesses
2.3. Most people use the computer to write their work resumes
3. Teamwork
3.1. 21st Century learning is only existent because of the teamwork from everyone
3.2. Everyone works together to make the community better and if it wasn't for teamwork then this technological learning wouldn't be here
4. Statistics
4.1. 51% of all black students & 52% of all Hispanic students graduate. 20% of all black students & 16% of all Hispanic students leave HS college ready
4.2. Half of US districts will have a one to one initiative by 2011
5. Community
5.1. Technology helps us grow together and unite as a community because we are connected.
5.2. Computer helps us connect with other people which helps morale
5.3. We collaborate and learn about new ideas and knowledge that helps us with life
6. New Generation
6.1. 21st Century kids are creating the biggest network of social and cultural webs
6.2. They are focusing on technology and working with it so now
6.3. Technology is very influential to the new generation
7. Social Networking
7.1. Facebook displays information about people and other kinds of things because it helps other people learn about things
7.2. Twitter can display helpful URLs like what Mr. Basinger does that and communicates with other people