1. UNIT I (Getting to know english)
1.1. Verb
1.1.1. Verbs are important because they indicate an action to be performed, either present, past or future.
1.2. Numbers
1.2.1. The numbers are the first bases to learn English, since we use them daily to express amounts of money, etc.time,
1.3. Descriptions
1.3.1. In this session we learned to describe the physical apareciecias people, their hair style, skin color, etc.
1.4. Demostrative pronouns
1.4.1. Demonstrative pronouns are used to position objects, so we must take into account the rules siguietes: we use singular (that this), and plural (those,these).
2. UNIT III (Going Ahead)
2.1. Countries and nationalities
2.1.1. In this session we learned to know different countries and their respective nationalities and languages.
2.2. Traditions and mythological characters
2.2.1. In this session we learned a little more about El Salvador mythological characters of our beloved, as we are cipitio and Ciguanaba, etc.
2.3. Possessive adjectives
2.3.1. We use possessive adjectives to show who owns or "possesses" something. The possessive adjectives are. my, your, his, her, its, our, their
2.4. Greetings
2.4.1. communication is an essential part of socialization is why this session has been instrumental in learning English to be able to relate to everyone.
3. UNIT IV (Describe Daily Activities)
3.1. Clothing
3.1.1. know the different styles of clothing for each person according to their personality, so describing each item of clothing.
3.2. Present continuous
3.2.1. Present continuous is a verb to which you add "ing", are actions or events that are performing at the time or in the near future happen.
3.3. Time
3.3.1. know and tell the time in English is the pricipal and primary objective of this topic.
3.4. Simple past with “BE”
3.4.1. apply the correct grammar of English is essential is why in this content the verb TO BE developed in his past time (WAS / WERE) used to rederencia to events that have already passed or ended.
4. UNIT II (What’s this in English)
4.1. Wh questions?
4.1.1. We use question words to ask certain types of questions such .. when, where, why, who, what, etc.
4.2. Personal pronouns
4.2.1. We use personal pronouns in place of the person or people that we are talking about, these are in first person (as I), second person (as you), or third person (as he, she, it)
4.3. Verb "to be"
4.3.1. To be is a verb reprenta two meanings "SER" or "ESTAR" that can be applied depending on the ambiento where we use it.
4.4. IN,ON,AT
4.4.1. we use a preposition is used to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object. the prepositions are ON(Used to express a surface of something),IN(Used for unspecific times during a day, month, season, year to indicate a location or place) ,AT(Used to point out specific time)
5. UNIT V (Do you have a big family)
5.1. Family members
5.1.1. know every member of our family in English has been the goal of this session.
5.2. Fumiture & appliances
5.2.1. know the type of furniture and appliances brand has been the objective of this thematic, as there are many furniture and appliances of different brands on the market and it is essential to choose the best.
5.3. Fumiture & appliances
5.3.1. When using more than one adjective to describe a noun, example: *Age: old, new, young, ancient *Dimension / Size / WeightExample: big, small,have.