Information Literacy (2014)

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Information Literacy (2014) by Mind Map: Information Literacy (2014)

1. Scholarship is a Conversation

1.1. Knowledge Practices

1.2. Dispositions

1.3. Learning Activities

2. Research as Inquiry

2.1. Knowledge Practices

2.2. Dispositions

2.3. Learning Activities

3. Authority is Contextual and Constructed

3.1. Knowledge Practices

3.2. Dispositions

3.3. Learning Activities

4. Threshold Concepts

4.1. Transformative

4.2. Integrative

4.3. Irreversible

4.4. Bounded

4.5. Troublesome

5. Format as Process

5.1. Knowledge Practices

5.2. Dispositions

5.3. Learning Activities

6. Searching as Exploration

6.1. Knowledge Practices

6.2. Dispositions

6.3. Learning Activities

7. Information has Value

7.1. Knowledge Practices

7.2. Dispositions

7.3. Learning Activities

8. Metaliteracy