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Victorian MP por Mind Map: Victorian MP

1. Do you like the Chinese

1.1. Not always because they are strange and talk different.

2. How did the Chinese affect you

2.1. They take up space and steal peoples gold and caves.

2.2. They burn peoples tents

3. What's good about the Chinese

3.1. They are very kind

3.2. They add to my profit

3.3. They don't file complaints often

4. What's bad about the Chinese

4.1. They have bad habits and tastes

4.2. They are greedy

4.3. I get a lot of complaints from other miners about there acts and how strange they are.

5. How do the Chinese affect other people

5.1. The chinese frustrate the other miners

5.2. The chinese are greedy and tend to flash a gun more often

5.3. They annoy the other miners because they are strange and stupid(to the other miners) i think the chinese are kind tho.

6. Did you want the chinese here in the first place

6.1. No because i didn't think I would get as much profit as I did