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Globalization por Mind Map: Globalization

1. events as the origin of globalization

1.1. discovery of America 1492

1.2. the global Spanish flue pandemic

1.3. World Wars I & II

1.4. the first transatlantic telephone cable 1956

1.5. the founding of the modern Internet 1988

1.6. etc.

2. long-term cyclical process,

2.1. many points of origin

2.2. other global ages

2.3. new cycles coming

2.3.1. there have been already some

2.3.2. there is one nowadays

2.3.3. there will be new ones

3. when it started

3.1. ice age

3.1.1. humans came from Africa

3.2. cycles

3.3. epochs

3.4. events

3.5. more recent changes

3.6. hardwired

4. main driver of globalization

4.1. material

4.1.1. factors economy production

4.1.2. forces technology

4.2. ideal

4.2.1. drivers changes in information and knowledge thinking ideas

5. epochal views

5.1. not a unique global age

5.1.1. Dependencies

5.1.2. Milestones

5.2. six great epochs / waves of globalization

5.2.1. 1. 4th-7th century: globalization of religions

5.2.2. 2. 15th century: European colonial conquests

5.2.3. 3. 18th century: various intra-European wars

5.2.4. 4. 19th century: heyday of European imperialism

5.2.5. 5. The post-World-War II period

5.2.6. 6. The post-Cold War period

6. recent changes

6.1. 1. The emergence of the US as the global power

6.2. 2. The emergence of multi-national corporations

6.3. 3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War

7. various types of globalization

7.1. economic

7.2. political

7.2.1. United Nations

7.2.2. international relations

7.3. cultural

7.3.1. movies

7.3.2. art

7.3.3. music

7.3.4. food

7.4. medicine

7.5. health

7.6. sport

7.7. science

7.7.1. knowledge exchage

7.7.2. the Internet

7.7.3. colaboration

7.8. education

7.8.1. similarities all over the world

7.8.2. increased popularity

7.8.3. the need of education

7.9. religion

7.9.1. christianity

7.9.2. islam

7.9.3. buddism

7.9.4. judaism

7.9.5. etc.

8. debates about globalization

8.1. Globalists

8.1.1. globalization exists

8.1.2. effects the entire world

8.1.3. a broad process

8.1.4. multinational corporations, transnational economy

8.1.5. multiateralism

8.1.6. many people

8.2. Sceptics

8.2.1. does not recognize globalization Materials Personel Services Duration

8.2.2. large part of globe is isolated

8.2.3. globalization as many different processes

8.2.4. original national location based world

8.2.5. cultural diversity

9. a hardwired beginning states

9.1. began in the ice age

9.2. urge for a better life

9.2.1. trade (commerce)

9.2.2. missionary work (religion)

9.2.3. adventures and conquest (politics and warfare)