Lotus Parenting Project

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Lotus Parenting Project by Mind Map: Lotus Parenting Project

1. Invite 12 speakers for 8 spots (8 week teleseminar series)

2. Build squeeze page mock-up at www.parentingsupersite.com

3. FREE TELESEMINAR: List building and free Help for Parents; answer THEIR questions!

4. My Blogs/Websites: need nice graphics and a way to alert people when there is a new entry

4.1. www.lotusparenting.com

4.2. www.Parenting1018.com

5. Social Media: Link to blog, squeezepage and email list

5.1. Twitter

5.1.1. Website

5.2. Facebook

5.2.1. Website Facebook GROUP: Lotusparenting

5.3. Linkedin

5.3.1. Website


6.1. (1) MONTHLY TEACHING DVD BY KID IDOL (purchased by parents (upsell to Newsletter/CD; directed at kids; whole family watches)

6.1.1. Musicians/movie stars/famous scientists/artists/comedians - basically, people that the kids already LOVE to watch and listen to, people who stir their emotions

6.2. (2) VIDEO GAME

6.2.1. Teaching skills directly to teens

7. Rites of Passage Program for boys and girls

7.1. Free Teleseminar CD

7.2. Create a video game for teen

8. 12 steps

8.1. 2. Interviewing

8.2. 3. Start at the End, goal setting and creating a vision

8.3. 4. Choosing a Title

8.4. 5. The Discipline of Writing

8.5. 6. Outlining

8.6. 7. Storytelling

8.7. 8. The Book Design

8.8. 9. Self Publishing

8.9. 10. Making Your Book Your Business

8.10. 11. Marketing

8.11. 12. Building a Brand that Commands

9. (for credibility/expert status/recognition)

9.1. BOOK 1: Special Parenting Secrets of the Super Successful

10. Continuity King system of Ryan Lee: MONTHLY NEWSLETTER AND COACHING CD (directed at parents)

10.1. www.ryanlee.com

11. Book 2: "Best parenting practices from around the world"

12. Live Events

12.1. For parents

12.2. For teens