aspects of competition
by Crispin Semmens
1. cultural aspects
1.1. obtain sole use/ownership of a resource
1.2. obtain ranking
1.2.1. at specific event & time
2. cultural examples
2.1. sport
2.2. business
2.3. war
3. positive 'competition'
3.1. increase your/others' fitness
3.2. "be the best we can be"
3.3. non-zero-sum game
3.4. 'leapfrogging' style rivalry
3.5. 'good sport'
3.6. egoless
3.7. spread information
3.8. cooperative
3.9. "maximise overall outcome"
3.10. "whoever wins, let's rematch"
3.11. iterative (many zero-sums leads to non-zero sum)
3.12. not necessarily 'competitive' at all
4. conclusion
4.1. overall, life is not necessarily a zero-sum game
4.2. but zero-sum games can sometimes be a useful part of development
4.3. competition should not be the final metaphor for life, only an optional part of it
5. logical definitions
5.1. "2 or more parties striving for a goal which cannot be shared"
5.2. 2+ parties
5.3. 1 goal
5.3.1. ownership by 1 party (zero sum)
5.4. winner
5.4.1. party attaining goal
5.5. loser(s)
5.5.1. part(ies) not attaining goal
5.6. fitness
5.6.1. ability to reach goal
6. how to win
6.1. be lucky
6.2. be fitter than other parties
6.2.1. increase your fitness
6.2.2. decrease others' fitness